  • Soklean

  • كلمات البحث : |منظفات|نظافة|تعقيم|نظافة فلل|شركات نظافة|نظافة عامة|شركة نظافة|مخدات عربي

من نحن

Soklin company has been working in house cleaning for more than 10 years, and this, if it is, indicates the great experience we have gained over the past years. Sue Clean takes care of old and new customers; They are the share of the greatest interest, as we provide them with periodic offers and comprehensive cleaning services at all times, including holidays and events. Sue Clean welcomes weekly and monthly transactions. Where the contracting is done with the representatives of our company to carry out the cleaning work and we will appear at the agreed times to complete the cleaning work in a professional manner. So Clean offers reasonable cleaning rates for every entry; Our house and apartment cleaning rates are suitable for everyone. Sukleen is interested in guiding the names and providing detergents, perfumes and disinfectants used in cleaning in order for the house to be in the best shape. Soklin St. employs trained and experienced workers in cleaning houses and apartments, who are certified to be the best in the field of house cleaning. The So Clean artists are honest; All clients' movables are completely safe while completing housekeeping works
ترجمات welcome
welcome, greeting, plaudit
حفلة استقبال
welcome, greet, salute, receive, be wide, extend
receive, welcome
welcome, lionize
تعريفات welcome
greet (someone arriving) in a glad, polite, or friendly way.
hotels should welcome guests in their own language
greetsay hello tosalutebid someone welcomeplay host/hostess toshow hospitality toreceivemeetembracereceive with open armsroll out the red carpet forfeteusher in
an instance or manner of greeting someone.
you will receive a warm welcome
greetingsalutationhailwelcomingreceptionwarm receptionfavorable receptionacceptancehospitalityred carpetfáilte
مرادفات welcome
express pleasure/satisfaction atbe pleased bybe glad abouttake pleasure inapprove ofappreciateacceptembrace
greetsay hello tosalutebid someone welcomeplay host/hostess toshow hospitality toreceivemeetembracereceive with open armsroll out the red carpet forfeteusher in
give the thumbs up to
greetingsalutationhailwelcomingreceptionwarm receptionfavorable receptionacceptancehospitalityred carpetfáilte

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